This exhibit is a selection of 27 treasures from the collection of early printed Bibles bequeathed to the library in 1982 by Milton Stover Carothers, Director of FSU’s Presbyterian Center, in memory of his parents Julia Stover and Milton Washington Carothers.
Book of Kings, King of Books offers a new example of the multi-faceted collaborative effort between the Strozier Library and the History of Text Technologies (HoTT) program as its direct origin is the graduate seminar “The Bible as a Book (13th-18th c.)” that François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, professor in the Religion Department and HoTT faculty, has been teaching every year in Special Collections since 2009.
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The Scripture as Rebus. Numbers 20, 11
Numbers 20, 11 from the 1789 edition of the popular children's Bible. The page includes illustrations depicting the actions stated in the phrase…
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Julia Stover
Portrait of Julia Stover. Along with her husband, Milton Washington Carothers, Julia Stover was prominent in Florida State University's affairs for…
Milton W. Carothers
Portrait of Milton W. Carothers. Milton Washington Carothers completed both his master's and doctoral degree programs at Columbia University. At FSU,…